Building a Football Club from Scratch in the Isle of Wight | Penguin FC FM24

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Hellloooo people, welcome back to the site. It’s been a minute since I last released any kind of content apart from that one YT video a couple months back, that’s partly due to real life stuff but also I’ve really struggled to get into a save this cycle with multiple attempts ending after 1 season.

The Hatching of an Idea

A couple weeks ago I looked back over my YouTube content trying to find inspiration for content and I was reminded of my short lived East Ham save from FM18/ This was a create a club save back when I an many other fans were still angry about West Ham’s move to the London Stadium. That then started the clogs turning in my brain and I decided to go the other way so from being angry were going with something I love PENQUINS!!

There are so many things I love about Penguins mostly that they mate for life often being given matching flipper bands when they are kept in a zoo. Within a crowd of thousands of identical penguins couples can always find each other. However my favourite thing about them is how they walk with that funny/cute waddle from side to side and often travel 60 miles or more through the most extreme and cold terrain to get to their nests or breeding grounds (Horny gits)

Its that patience and never give up spirit that I want to develop in this new football club as our motto Always Keep Waddling means I want our squads to always work hard and have a never say die attitude as we will be entering the National League South as one of the smallest clubs in the league so it may take a few seasons before we start actually seeing some kind of success on the pitch but as long as we don’t give up I and hopefully the fans wont be too angry with the squad.

Location Location Location

When choosing the location of this new club I googled counties with the least football teams and to my surprise there are no fewer then ten counties in England with no representative in the full time leagues those counties are

  •  City of London,
  • Cornwall,
  • County Durham,
  • Herefordshire,
  • Isle of Wight,
  • Northumberland,
  • Rutland,
  • Surrey,
  • Warwickshire
  • Worcestershire.

Upon seeing this list one county stood out for me and that was the Isle of Wight as its a separate remote island in the south west of England so we will be going on lots of very long away days hoping to bring back three points just as Penguins go on long trips to bring food home.

The club is going to be based in the city of Newport in the Isle of Wight which only has a population of 25,407 out of a total population of 141,606 on the Island so the launching of a football club brings hopes that as the club grows so too will visitors to the island whose main current tourist attractions are the Isle of Wight music festival, Tapnell Farm Park and of course the beautiful beaches which I hope the players wont be enjoying too much.

Inside the Club

Now onto matters in the club and founder/emperor penguin himself Philip Dixon has put just over five hundred thousand pounds into setting the club up and has given a transfer budget seventy five thousand pounds with six thousand pounds a week being allocated towards wages. Those budgets may be high but with the Waddlers being a brand new club with a local reputation and being based in the Isle of Wight we may have to pay over the odds to get players to join us.

With Budgets like this however Mr Dixon has set a club vision with expectations of the club ending the season in mid table in the National League South whilst not being overly worried with either of the cup competitions.

Manager Attributes

Now onto the main man at the club who success or failure will depend on at the club….. The king penguin me!!! For this save I’ve decided to give myself a National A licence and local professional reputation with the motivator management style so I could possibly be able to attract some players i might not be with a lower badge or rep.

The Staff

Penguins don’t travel or live alone and therefor neither will I and using the games add key staff feature when setting up a new save these are the staff that have decided to embark upon this hopefully long and successful journey up the leagues.

I’m aware that we may have slightly more staff then most clubs at our level including a set piece coach and analysts but I’m putting that down to the extra money that Mr Dixon has used when setting the club up.

Jack Walker (wasn’t that the name of the guy who owned Blackburn when they won the prem?) stands out as a very good Head Performance Analyst for this level so that many be an advantage we can look to use this season. Other then him though everybody looks to be very much either at the right level or maybe even at a league or 2 above their abilities but time will tell if these need replacing in the short to medium term.

The Twist

Every good adventure has to have many challenges and twists and here is our first challenge…..

We have precisely ZERO actual players!! therefore I will be needing to build a complete squad in the five yes just FIVE weeks until we kick off our first ever league campaign in the National league South at our home named the Iceberg against Eastbourne Borough.

Tata for now

That’s all for now guys, thanks so much for reading my first post in quite a while. I hope you will waddle along with me for this adventure. I’m now off to try & assemble a squad in the short time we have before that first game of the season.
Please RT/share this about as it really helps for the first post of a new series you can find me on twitter/x/whatever its called these days at and on Instagram at

3 responses to “Building a Football Club from Scratch in the Isle of Wight | Penguin FC FM24”

  1. Flying Scotsman FM Avatar
    Flying Scotsman FM

    Great idea for a club


    1. StaylorComms Avatar

      Thank you dude hopefully will make for a very good save!


  2. From Waddling Forwards to Taking Flight: Building a Squad for Penguin FC-FM24 – TaylorMadeBlogs Avatar
    From Waddling Forwards to Taking Flight: Building a Squad for Penguin FC-FM24 – TaylorMadeBlogs

    […] the nice reaction that my intro post received. If you haven’t read it yet then check it out here to find out the back story to Penguin FC. If you like transfer updates then todays post is going to […]


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